
SocialMarks, the latest Give To Get product, is the only action-based metric for benchmarking the “S” in ESG investments. SocialMarks pulls from more than 80 data points across three distinct categories: People, Brand, and Community. By layering our industry knowledge and machine learning algorithms together, the SocialMarks scoring system ranks brands against their competitive set; turning the act of doing good into a competitive advantage. SocialMarks Company Reports are designed to give management teams a clear path to a more impactful CSR strategy and reveal opportunities to improve external ESG ratings.  

In addition to benchmarking, we’ve partnered with ProSocial Valuation Service (PSV) to measure what’s long been considered unmeasurable: social capital. PSV values ROI from philanthropic investments, purpose-based initiatives, public/private partnerships and social enterprises with the same rigor used to measure financial returns.